Explore the World of Fine Jewelry

Discover Luxury and Refinement in Every Detail of Our Fine Jewelry Collection.

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  • Fast Shipping

    We will offer you a fast shipping for your better shopping experience

  • 24/7 help center

    round the clock assistance

  • 10% off for new subscribers

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Frequently asked questions

How long will it take for my order to arrive?

We aim to ship orders out within 2 business days. Depending on the shipping method you selected, and your destination address, orders can take 3-7 business days to reach you.

How can I check the status of my order?

You'll receive a confirmation email with a tracking link once your order has been shipped out.

How do I modify or cancel my order?

We do our best to ship orders out within 2 business days, which means we might not catch yours in time to modify or cancel it. If you'd like to modify or cancel an order, please contact us ASAP and we'll do our best. You can either email us or chat us at the bottom right corner of this window.

What's the return/refund policy?

Our products were manufactured with you in mind. We’re confident that you’ll love them, but if you’re unhappy for any reason, please reach out to us within 30 days of your purchase and we'll be able to assist with processing the return and a refund.

Our return/refund guarantee for our Eye Stick 2.0 extends an additional 30 days (60 total), given we recommend you use it 2x+ daily for 60 days to achieve the best results.

Who We Are

Welcome to MiamiBeaut1, your ultimate destination for premium beauty and skincare products. We pride ourselves on curating a diverse selection of high-quality items that cater to all your beauty needs.

At Miamibeauty1, we believe in the power of self-care and the confidence it brings. Our carefully selected range includes everything from the best makeup spatulas to luxury skincare sale items, ensuring that you find exactly what you need to look and feel your best. We are committed to offering products that deliver outstanding results, whether it's a metal makeup spatula for precise application or the latest facial products taking TikTok by storm.

We celebrate diversity and inclusivity, and we are proud to feature a variety of black-owned facial products and black skincare brands. Our mission is to support these amazing brands and bring their innovative solutions to the forefront of the beauty industry.

In addition to our extensive selection of makeup and skincare products, we offer an exceptional shopping experience. Our online make up shop and skincare shop are designed to be user-friendly and informative, making it easy for you to discover and purchase the best beauty products available.

Whether you're shopping for beauty sets on sale or looking for the best hair products store near you, we are here to meet your needs with top-notch customer service and unbeatable value. Explore our collection today and let us help you shine from the inside out.

Thank you for choosing Miamibeauty1. We are excited to be part of your beauty journey.